Writers Workshop-Oliver Phommavanh

Today, we went down to the library to discuss writing story’s with the one and only Oliver Phommavanh. We talked about how to write a perfect story including what you think someone is at first glance. They could be happy, sad, scared, angry, evil, weird, cool or a little bit nerdy.

He described a bit about himself so we got to know him. He has really cool Nike shoes, a marvel jumper and a tee shirt that says his name. We did a 14 word biography about ourself with him which is basically writing fourteen words about ourself. We also did a game called two truths and a lie. Mine was:

I do motocross

I have met Shane Jacobson

I love hamsters

See if you can work out which one is a lie.

Another activity that we did was write about a boy called Bob starting at your school and what you think about him. He comes and sits next to you and you have a conversation and he reacts. Then we had to write in Bob’s perspective about the school it was really fun.

Oliver was really funny and he said some of the best stories are humorous stories. I totally agree. He said we could write a story about a kid with 4 pet turtles called Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael and train them to use weapons so if someone try’s to steal your wallet, you can say “TURTLES, ATACK!” and they would use their sick skills to get your wallet back.

It was so awesome meeting Oliver and I am very grateful. Have you ever read any of his books? Here is his website in the link.



One comment

  1. christophercbgs · August 27, 2019 at 11:12 pm ·

    G,day Austin,
    I can see you liked Oliver coming over a lot. You have reallly listened to Oliver very carefully of what he said, it was really funny. I also lik the photos you added about Oliver. Great entertaining post.
    From Christopher